Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Scott Pilgrim

Do you ever get that feeling of accomplishment and extreme joy when something that you liked begins to get popular? And then when it starts getting really popular and there is a lot of buzz surrounding it that feeling starts to fade away and turn into annoyance? Well this has once again happened to me and it is with Scott Pilgrim.

 Scott Pilgrim was a graphic novel that I just so happened to stumble upon. It was honestly one of the most hilarious books I had ever read. The only thing that I didn't like aboot this series was the painful waiting time for the next issue to be released. I tried to talk to my friends aboot Scott Pilgrim, but absolutely none of them truly know how to appreciate awesome things so they were completely clueless in the conversations. It wasn't a total loss though,cuz if any of them ever did try to read one of the novels they wouldn't understand like 90% of the humour and they wouldn't get any of the pop culture references. 

Besides being amazingly funny, I also loved the fact that it took place in Toronto. Real Toronto. Places featured in the books were places that I had seen or even been to before! Amazing!!! And for me,the stand out character is Wallace Wells. Dude is my fav and I actually find myself quoting him from time to time (I've only had like 1 person recognize my reference).Take for instance this bit from Volume 1:

I love it! Unfortunately as the books went on the amount of Wallace exposure decreased. 

So as you probably are well aware of, Scott Pilgrim has been adapted  into a big screen movie! Yes I was extremely excited with this news, but at the same time, I was worried. Now Scott Pilgrim was going to be everywhere and even stupid people will claim that they love it! What's even worse is that some of these people will not even be aware that the movie is based off graphic novels. 

The one saving grace is the fact that Edgar Wright is the director. He can pretty much do no wrong in my eyes, so I am sure that he will do justice to the novels. Also, based on the advance screenings at Comic Con pretty much everyone has said that it is a "near perfect" film. So I am super psyched to see it and am willing to put up with the stupid people who are just seeing it because Michael Cera/Chris Evans/Brandon Routh are in it. 

BTW, I am planning on seeing it at the midnight screening at Galaxy and may even dress up for it.

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